Underground Fat Loss Manual Review: WTF! My Results Were Shocking

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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underground fat loss manual resultsI had an awesome summer! After a good vacation, I’m ready to get back to work with this Underground Fat Loss Manual Review.

Trouble is, the time off was too good.

Catching up with the guys and escaping with the girlfriend for a break all took its toll. Relaxing the diet mixed with plenty of cold beers caused my six-pack to vanish.

Sound familiar?

Well, make sure you’re sitting down for the next part.

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To restore myself back to a tight and toned beast, I tried the most unconventional weight loss plan I’ve ever read. It even allows you to crack open a cold one (or two)!

But get this.

The damn thing worked!

Sounds like a joke, right? It isn’t.

Stick with me in this Underground Fat Loss Manual review and I’ll explain all. What you’re about to read will shock you to the core.

This is one review you really don’t want to miss.

Table of contents

What Is the Underground Fat Loss Manual?

UPDATE! SAVE 70% when you buy the Underground Fat Loss Manual today >

Underground Fat Loss Manual ReviewIn essence, the Underground Fat Loss Manual is a guide to increasing your body’s fat-burning potential.


You’ve heard it all before, right? Cut calories, workout like a machine and dodge carbs.


This weight loss plan tells you to do virtually the opposite. That’s why I was intrigued.

Look, I’ve been doing this long enough to know a scam when I see one. I’ve reviewed more supplements, pills and weight loss regimes than I can count.

But one thing amazed me.

Other people seemed to be getting genuine results. Surely, all the Underground Fat Loss Manual reviews couldn’t be fake?

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Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? So I got hold of this book and after a few pages I was literally screaming—WTF????

That’s why I had to write this Underground Fat Loss Manual review.

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Let me explain.

For starters, this isn’t a fat loss manual for the prudish.

The book tells you how it is, using language that your mom wouldn’t approve of. But, it speaks to guys as guys—not as idiots.

The cool thing is:

Whatever your weight issue—from seven pounds in my case, through to the seriously obese, this fat loss manual has a plan. None of us want to be fat—we don’t look our best, it can also cause health problems and lead to depression. 1

So what’s in it?

This book dispels the myths about foods you should eat to burn fat. It illustrates that eating certain carbs actually promotes fat loss.

What’s more, it explains what and when to eat.

It also encourages “cheat” days—occasions when you can forget about the plan and literally go crazy.

Do you want to know the best part?

There’s one thing about this plan that makes it different from every other diet plan—the controversial weight loss “hacks.”

I’m not talking anything illegal here—but these are some of the most shocking things I have ever read—and they freakin’ work! More on that soon in this Underground Fat Loss Manual review.

Underground Fat Loss Manual Review Overview

Let me give you the positives and negatives of this unusual plan.


  • EXTREME fat loss—you can lose 8.8 pounds in three days with the “jump start” program.
  • Return of your abs
  • Increases vascularity
  • Tight and toned definition
  • Gives shredded appearance—when combined with resistance exercise.
  • Improves health.
  • Boosts energy.
  • Raises sex-drive.
  • Ramps up metabolism—burning unwanted fat.
  • Boosts growth hormones.


  • Only available from the official website.
  • Overwhelming attention from the opposite sex.

UPDATE! SAVE 70% when you buy the Underground Fat Loss Manual today >

Underground Fat Loss Manual Results

The part of this Underground Fat Loss Manual review you have been waiting for!

Let me tell you all about it.

So, my abs had all but disappeared and I was around 7-7.5 pounds over my ideal weight. I decided to avoid my usual training diet and give this plan a go.

I also chose to follow the “ageless abs” exercise plans included. It’s no secret, I know the go-to moves that work my core—but I wanted to try it as a “newbie”.

Day 1

I’ll be honest. I had no faith in this plan at all. In fact, I was getting a little angry with myself, trying what I considered to be a futile pursuit. But, I had made the decision and all the positive reviews intrigued me.

I avoided the three-day “jump start” program and decided on a three-week regime.

So, the first “hack”.

I don’t advocate drugs. But, this program suggests chewing nicotine gum as a way to boost fat loss by speeding up the metabolism.

I’m taking one for the team, right?

So, despite my girlfriend thinking I’d totally lost the plot, I bought some. I decided to take them after my meals, ensuring I was only eating foods recommended in the manual—including potatoes!

I was sure I was wasting my time.

Day 3

Although the nicotine gum was giving me a headache, I carried on.

Ok, it had only been a few days, but after following both the gentle exercise and diet plan I wanted to see if anything had changed—so onto the scales.

I’d lost two pounds.

I was suspicious. My weight is temperamental at the best of times, so I put it down to just another “blip”.

I was also trying out another recommended “hack”—chewing baby aspirins before working out. I know, it sounds random, but that’s what the manual suggested.

If nothing else, I thought they might cure the nicotine headaches!

Learn more: visit Underground Fat Loss Manual website

Day 7

One week down and I had a wry smile.

Four pounds had disappeared! Could I be onto a winner with this program?

I’d been hitting the exercise as recommended and checked the mirror to see if the abs were returning. There might have been a little more definition, but nothing to get excited about.

Ok, I’d lost weight—but I missed my damn six-pack!

The thought did cross my mind to say screw it, and go back to my tried and tested regime—but hey, I promised myself to stick at it.

Day 14

The abs were coming back!

I’m sure the workouts helped, but to be honest, I’m guessing some of the definition was just hidden beneath the fat.

But damn, was I feeling uber-smug with my efforts!

There’s more!

I had allowed myself—as the program encourages—one or two cold ones during the week. Well, that’s the number I told my girlfriend I’d drunk—stumbling through the door at 3 a.m.

Despite that, I felt good and was still losing weight!

Two weeks in and 7 pounds had gone!

That’s what I was aiming for—but I still wasn’t as defined as I wanted. I decided on one more week.

Day 21

So, three weeks in and what happened?

I’d chewed gum, drank beer, ate potatoes and chowed down aspirins. I’d even avoided the more quirky hacks, such as eating a pint of ice cream and entering “binge-mode.” Honestly, that’s allowed.

There are even some “sexy hacks” that help you cut—I’ll let you discover those!

These all bizarrely seemed to work.

Let me tell you this.

I lost a total of 10 pounds. To say I’m shredded is an understatement. My girlfriend will not stop touching my firm abs, which she says are the best they’ve ever been!


I’m damn proud that, despite wavering after the first week, I stuck with it.

Experience and tradition doesn’t always mean you know better—this program has shown me that.

Ready to get fat loss results like me? Today you can get a big 70% discount and get the full program for only $14.95 USD! See the offer here-> 

The Underground Fat Loss Manual Before and After

So ok, I was only seven pounds over what I considered my ideal weight, but still, my abs were gone.

Yet, after only three weeks on this unusual plan, they were back!

I had initial doubts, but the darn thing worked! I genuinely think I’m more ripped than ever before!

My muscles are tight, I feel great and I love the way I look again. The guys down the gym are not gonna believe me when I tell them how I did it!

Want to see before and after results? Check out their website here.



This Underground Fat Loss Manual review wouldn’t be complete without telling you the price.

The manual costs $14.95—about the value of one “cheap” weight loss supplement. What’s more, the package includes extra free books as described below.

Is There a Discount Code?

No, although this manual is currently on a discounted offer from $50.00 to $14.95.

What Exactly Do I Get?

Naturally, you want plenty of return on your hard-earned dollars. Here’s exactly what’s included:

  • The Underground Fat Loss Manual PDF—detailing what to eat and what not to eat, and the astounding weight loss hacks.
  • 10-3-X Workout Program—boosts fat loss and increases definition, all exercises can be done at home or the gym.
  • 60 Second Hormone Fix—restores leptin to normal levels, reducing overeating and raising the metabolism.
  • Ageless Abs—details simple but effective exercises for getting the vital six-pack.
  • 60-Day money back guarantee—even though the digital copy is unreturnable, if you’re dissatisfied you receive all your money back.
  • Author’s personal phone and email—any queries and you are in direct contact, no hiding behind dodgy websites.

Room for Improvement 1 Room for Improvement 2 underground fat loss manual review

Room for Improvement

With a product this good, it seems harsh to pick faults. But for a complete and honest Underground Fat Loss Manual review, here are the drawbacks.

  • Exercise—the workouts are basic, but as I’ve been training for many years now, I am probably more critical than most.
  • Vague—I wanted more detail on how much “bad” food and drink I could have on my “cheat” days—you might as well take it to the limit!
  • Language—for me the strong language was cool but for others, it may be uncomfortable—an alternative “sanitized” version may be an idea.

Review Conclusion: Is Underground Fat Loss Manual Worth the Money?

One word—YES!

In fact, it’s our #1 recommended choice for men that need EXTREME fat loss results in a short time. After reading this Underground Fat Loss Manual review, you know why!

By using this plan, the pounds literally drop off—without any intense cardio exercise.

Following the diet guides do have an incredible effect, but the previously “secret” hacks skyrocket weight loss!

There’s more.

I didn’t even take this plan to the max. I only chose a few of the hacks and skipped the three-day “jump start” program. So, it can be even more potent than I discovered!

The bottom line:

If you want to lose fat fast and still enjoy a binge and a beer, this has to be the program to try!

Learn more: visit the Underground Fat Loss Manual website


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5541277/

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5 thoughts on “Underground Fat Loss Manual Review: WTF! My Results Were Shocking”

  1. I was looking for honest reviews on this program and your review sounds really sincere. Thanks and good luck on your abs!

  2. Matt Marshall’s plans definitely work, if you have the mental fortitude and give up the excuses. And yes, they work for women and those who have 5, 10, 15, or more pounds of fat to lose.


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