Top 10 Stupid Things Beginners Believe works when trying to build muscle

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Everyone who lifts weights has been a beginner in the gym.

It depends on the guidance you get; if you learn to train and diet correctly, you will progress faster.

Some people start research quite a bit and make good progress reasonably quickly.

While other beginners have little knowledge and do minor research on how to lift correctly and progress faster.

With hard work, dedication and time come experience as lifters.

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We learn to lift with better form; we understand what exercises work best for our bodies and what diet best suits us.

There is something that never changes how most beginners think building muscle works.

Here are the top 10 stupid things on how beginners think building muscle works.

Creatine is almost like a steroid

Even though Creatine is a well-researched supplement with benefits in power output, strength, and endurance for lifting weights, it’s not a magic supplement.

Many times, those who have used Creatine realize that it may give you a few more reps in specific exercises.

Many beginner lifters believe Creatine is some magic solution to gain strength and muscle mass fast.

Talking about their creatine cycle like they are using steroids.

You will hear them talk to each other like this:

Yo bro I’m on that creatine cycle now almost benching two plates, and I’m getting massive

Bench Press is the Ultimate test for strength

For beginner lifters, the bench press is the holy grail of lifting weights.

When beginner lifters measure their strength against one another, it always comes down to who has the better bench.

Even though the bench is a decent strength indicator for the upper body, more exercises come into play when measuring strength.

They are the deadlift and squat.

In powerlifting competitions, you usually perform the three big lifts, so you have to use all three exercises for overall strength when measuring strength.

Relying heavily on supplements

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Even though some supplements are an excellent addition to an already good diet and training regime, they are not meant to be the main focus of attention.

Many beginners will buy a weight gainer instead of eating a meal, thinking it will benefit them because it’s called a mass gainer.

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Most mass gainers are a complete waste of money filled with sugars and cheap ingredients.

This also applies to protein powder; guys taking scoops of protein instead of a meal, whey protein is a good addition but not a replacement for your diet.

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A pre-workout doesn’t work like the magic potion in Asterix and Obelix, even though some beginners think that.

Main Focus is on the bench press and arms

We can see beginner liters in the gym focusing a lot of time doing bench presses and lifting arms.

Some of them spend hours on arm workouts and very little time on the legs and back.

That is, of course, not the right approach to develop a muscular and balanced physique.

Most beginners realize this quite soon and start including more compound exercises such as squats and deadlifts into the routine.

While others dedicate their first year in the gym exclusively to the upper body.

Ab crunches gets you six pack abs

Many beginners search up on Google “six-pack abs routine” to find a routine to develop a six-pack.

If that worked, we would all be ripped and shredded all year round.

Even though ab exercises may grow the abdominal muscles, they will not get you six-pack abs.

Only having a low body fat percentage will get you the abs you are looking for.

Everyone who has decent muscle mass in the gym is on steroids

Even though plenty of lifters use steroids, that’s not the case for everyone.

You can be pretty big and strong naturally without the use of steroids.

Many beginners believe that when they see someone repping the 225 pounds in the bench press 15 times, it is a steroid user.

Not everyone uses steroids, and you don’t have to do it to get a decent physique.

The more you workout the more muscle you build

Some beginners spend 2+hours in the gym thinking that the more they workout, the bigger your muscle gets.

That’s not the case; you can do a very effective workout in 45-minutes if you have good intensity and aren’t slacking off.

If you focus on the correct exercises, you don’t have to spend much time in each training session.

Even though training a lot might be beneficial, it has to be done the right way.

Many beginners spend more than 2 hours in the gym but focus on the wrong movements and aren’t training with intensity.

Instead of doing a faster workout with more intensity, that may be more effective.

Training in groups of 3+ people is good

Beginners sometimes come in groups, a group of friends starting in the gym.

However, when you are training with three other guys, there is no way you will get an effective workout at a decent time.

When they are all doing the same movements, they have to wait for three other guys to finish their sets.

These workouts take a long time, and you get little accomplished.

The best way is to train alone or with one other person, which ensures the time between sets isn’t too long.

Lifting heavy weights is always the best way

Many beginners ego lift in the gym.

They use the absolute heaviest weights they can handle and lift them with poor form.

A good example is the bicep curl when beginners are swinging the weights because they can’t do the importance with proper form.

This is not good because you don’t train the correct muscle when ego lifting; instead of stimulating the bicep, they might be enabling the shoulders.

On top of that, lifting with poor form and heavyweights, you get less out of the workout, build less muscle mass, and have higher chances of an injury.

That you don’t have to pay too much attention on your diet

Some beginners believe that if they are training that it’s enough to build muscle mass fast.

Even though noob gains come in and most guys see some results very fast, you still have to pay attention to what you are eating.

If you don’t eat a sufficient amount of proper food, you will not get big, and it’s as simple as that.

Training solely with a shit diet is not enough to get a good physique.

That’s a thing some beginners need to learn the hard way after spending a lot of time in the gym with poor nutrition.

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