Fitness Diva: Austrian Fitness Model Stephanie Davis Talks with

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Stephanie Davis The Fitness Model Talks with

Stephanie Davis is an IFBB Fitness model from Austria. For the last couple of weeks her pictures have gone viral across social media platforms and everyone seems to be loving her physique.
Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Quick stats.

Age: 22
Location: Carinthia/Austria
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50kg

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

How did you get started with bodybuilding and training?

I’ve have been in sports my whole life, there is horseback riding, gymnastics and athletics. Since 2 years ago I already go to the gym 3 to 4 times. I motivate myself every day and look at other fitness pics, pages or quotes.

Even as a child I couldn’t sit still and always and everywhere I had to test out my physical limits.

Whether this was always so good, I do not know haha. Then I met more and more people from the fitness scene, and as so often, it comes from one to another and eventually I applied spontaneously in my first fitness competition. I won it and became champion. After that my love was finally brought to the sport.

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Where does your motivation come from?

Most motivate me other fitness models and their photos and videos. I almost always feel like „beastmode-on“ at training. Maintain a positive mind set.

So many people spend their time and energy reflecting on what they “haven’t” done or “didn’t accomplish”.

If you gear this energy toward thinking about what you WILL do it keeps you upbeat and less likely to fall off track!

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

What is your training routine like?

I do a 4 split since the last few months, it works better for me. I do 2 40-minute cardio sessions, in off season, with the focus on uphill walking. I train my whole body twice a week and legs once. For example

Day one:

Pulldowns, Pull-Ups, Deadlifts, Shoulder press..

Day two:

Lunge, Dips, Curls, Crunches..

Day three:

Upper arms, Pistols, Crunches, Dips..

Day four:


Day five:

Frontsquats, Squats, Leg press, Deadlifts..

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

What would you eat on a typical day?

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Coconutflakes and Honey, 1 glass Water and BCAA
Nuts like Almonds, Cashew and Macadamia
Grilled Chicken or Fish with Vegetables like Tomato, Broccoli, Carrots and Potato and BCAA
Pre-Workout Meal:
1 Banana and/or Dextrose
Proteinshake and BCAA, Smoked Salmond
Tuna Salad and Casein Protein

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Favourite healthy recipe?

Protein Cake and Muffins à la Werner Schneider:

  • 250 gram Curd
  • 200 gram Protein
  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp organic baking powder
  • Nuts and Fruits if you like

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model


I look to maximize all the nutrients I consume in my meals and ensure that I have a proper balance of everything I need for healthy, natural and injury free training.

Like protein powder (my fav flavor is chocolate and almond) little Creatine for my mass, Casein,  BCAA’s for sure, L-carnitine, Preworkout Booster, Vitamins, Omega3 and so on.. Isolate protein works best for me and my body.

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

  1. Multi-Hex Hexagon Trap Bar: For squat and deadlift
  2. Lat Pull-Down Machine: Because i like it
  3. Leg Press: For nice glutes

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Is there anyone in the fitness industry you look up to?

  • Nicole Nagrani,
  • India Paulino,
  • Ashley Kaltwasser
  • Larissa Reis
  • Ramona Alb
  • Andrea Lackner

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Three tips you’d give to someone who’s trying to reach their goal physique?

Make sure you fuel your body with the proper nutrition. Consult a coach if you are unsure of how to do this, because the last thing you want to undue is your hard work. If you are not eating correctly in sufficient quantities to fuel your growth, you will simply be cannibalizing hard earned muscle. If I were allowed to give two, my second tip would be: Have FUN!

  1. Find out: What is your goal ?
  2. Find out: What motivates me ?

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Favourite Quote?

You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.

Stephanie Davis Fitness Model

Where can I Follow You?

Facebook: /StephanieDavis.Model /StephanieDavisFitness
Instagram: @stephaniedavisfitness
KIK: StephanieDavisFitnes

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