In the fitness world you have fat burners and safe fat burners. Both will get you ripped, but what’s the difference?
It’s all down to side effects.
Let me ask you one question:
“How many of you have been caught out before?”
So in honor of all you guys nodding right now, I’ve decided to dedicate this you.
I will give you all the information you need on how to find a diet pill that is actually safe and works.
Read on for the top 3 best safe fat burners without side effects.
What is a fat burner and how does it work?
Without stating the obvious, fat burners are the best over the counter weight loss pills for cutting as long as you intend to work out too.
The general theory behind safe fat burners are to kick start, fast-track or push through a plateau during a phase of losing weight.
Safe fat burners that work focus on three prime areas.
- Suppressing your appetite
- Providing you with additional Energy
- Promoting the thermogenic effect
Put these altogether and you’ve got the tools to burn body fat.
1. Appetite Suppression
When hitting a cutting cycle, the one question I say to myself time and time again has got to be:
“Why am I so god damn HUNGRY?”
Let’s face facts, in bouts of weight loss hunger becomes the arch enemy and food turns into an obsession like nothing else.
This is where a fat burner fits in.
Safe fat burners for men (and women) hold a secret weapon in the form of ingredients which naturally suppress your appetite.
This means you can give hunger the bird and get your cravings under control. Just don’t walk down the candy isle in the store.
2. Increased Energy Levels
Picture this.
You’ve created your calorie deficit now all you need to do is ramp up the workouts and you’ve got a perfect combo for cutting.
One problem.
Cutting the calories also starves your body’s fuel supply, which means fatigue, lethargy and lack of motivation are knocking at your door.
Here’s the kicker.
Typically the safest fat burning supplement will contain ingredients that naturally boost energy levels when you need it the most.
This means zero excuses – you can maximize your efforts and get the most from your work out.
3. Thermogenics
How much do you know about thermogenics?
Well, it’s all based upon a process called thermogenesis – the production of heat.
Every time you eat, move around or regulate your body temperature you are using thermogenesis to generate heat.
Want to know the best part?
Turning up the heat means you are burning more energy.
Basically safe fat burners that work will skyrocket your metabolic rate and give the whole calorie burning process the hurry up. We all know metabolism is key when it comes to getting ripped.
“What gains can I get from taking a natural fat burner?”
Combining all the key areas above into one neat package means safe fat burners can:
- Encourage fat burning
- Increase metabolism and burn more calories
- Give you better results from your cutting cycle
- Improve workout performance
Bottom Line
Safe fat burners result in weight loss and better body all round composition without side effects.
Safe Fat Burners – Top 3
There was a time when caffeine was the primary stimulant in fat burners. To a certain degree for sure you will still find your fare share knocking around.
However some manufacturers have broke the trend and realised the best and safest fat burner supplements don’t need to contain the equivalent of 20 cups of coffee anymore.
There are so many other natural ingredients out there that will get the job done without the need of giving you side effects.
So, here are the Best Safe Fat Burners that work and have no side effects.
1. LeanBean
Visit the LeanBean website to see testimonials.Here’s a fact: When it comes to losing weight and getting fit, men and women are slightly different. Not by much, but there are a few things that you need to be aware of.
LeanBean has done an excellent job in that department and was actually voted our #1 best fat burner for women. They’re one of the first few to really crack the code for female friendly diet pill.
LeanBean contains some of the best and popular fat burning ingredients dosed correctly.
These include:
- Garcinia Cambogia
- Turmeric
- Acai Berry
- Green coffee
- Konjac fibre
- Green tea extract
- Cayenne pepper
- Piperine
- Rasberry ketones
- Chromium Picolinate
- Vitamin B6, 12
The Good
They focus on what really matters for women when it comes to fat loss:
- Suppressed appetite
- Boost metabolism
- Help you lose those extra pounds faster
- 100% safe and natural ingredients
- Vegan friendly capsules
They are able to achieve that with premium ingredients that have been scientifically proven to enhance female fat loss, such as Glucomannan and Turmeric.
They have excellent package deals and free worldwide shipping (when you go for their Bikini Bundle package) and of course a money back guarantee.
The Drawback
Premium priced. As it’s so specifically tailored just for women they’ve had to use premium ingredients which results in a premium price. But when you go for their package deals you actually end up getting a bargain.
Only available online through their official website. They’ve cut out retailers and passed on the savings to you. Because these retailers need profit too.
BroScience Verdict
For women this is the best choice out there. LeanBean helps you shed those extra pounds safely but effectively. It doesn’t use any stimulants so there are no side effects with this products.
LeanBean only contains highly effective ingredients and no fillers. So when you invest in yourself with LeanBean you know you’re getting the best there is.
1 bottle goes for $59 USD, but when you go for their Bikini Bundle each bottle works out at only $46 USD and you get free shipping plus some free goodies.
You can learn more through their official website here.
See more leanbean results in our LeanBean Review.
2. Fat Burner Stim-Free (Best choice for men)
Transparent Labs is known for creating high quality product and for disclosing up front what exactly you’re getting when you buy their products. Their transparency to their customers is world class. It has been around for a few years now and men all over the world seem to love their products.
Stim free fat burner from transparent labs contains natural and safe ingredients.
- Acetyl L-Carnitine
- Forslean (10% forskolin)
- 5-HTP
- Rhodiola Rosea
- Cayenne Pepper Extract
- Fucoxanthin
The Good
Fat Burner Stim-Free contains a powerful and effective, yet 100% safe formula which uses a science based approach to help you burn fat more quickly.
It’s 100% stimulant free. So there are literally no side effects associated with this product. There are zero artificial sweeteners or food dyes in Fat Burner Stim-Free, so there aren’t any harmful additives either.
Transparent Labs offer a money back guarantee and they ship worldwide to any country in the world.
They offer great package deals, so you can save money when you invest in your body and health in the long term.
The Drawback
You have to pay for shipping. But to be fair their shipping rates are very low and they ship worldwide to any country in the world.
It’s only available through their official website. So you can’t walk into GNC or shop on Amazon for this product.
BroScience Verdict
Fat Burner Stim-Free helps you shed those stubborn pounds faster. The best safe fat burner for men without a doubt. It doesn’t use stimulants to give you the fat loss effects you want, simply because it’s unnecessary.
There are zero fillers, everything inside the pills has a clear purpose.
1 bottle goes for $49, but when you go for their 3 bottles package deals it works out at only $39 / bottle. Which it makes it a bang for your buck.
Would have been nice to get free shipping but I understand they can’t offer that as their products are already priced as low as possible for the customer.
You can learn more at: the official Fat Burner Stim Free website.
3. LeanMode by EVLution Nutrition
EVLution Nutrition seems to be getting more and more popular with every year that goes by.
- Garcinia Cambogia Extract
- Green Coffee bean Extract
- Acetyl-L Carnetine
- Green Tea Leaf Extract
The Good
It’s a stimulant free weight loss solution designed to enhance fat loss. LeanMode uses 5 popular ingredients (LeanBean use 11) in generous dosaging.
It should metabolism and is sold through retailers such as and Amazon
It’s priced at only $24 per bottle which makes it good for those on a tight budget.
The Drawback
You get what you pay for. They’re missing many of the essential fat burning ingredients which is why they’re able to offer a low price.
They also don’t seem to offer any money back guarantees, which is a bummer for me.
BroScience Verdict
It has good online reviews and the ingredients they use are effective. But there’s just a few missing.
Don’t get me wrong, they landed 3rd place out of literally thousands of other supplements. It’s just not quite there compared to the top 2.
You can learn more through their official website:
Fat burner side effects
“Are fat burners bad for you?”
I think it’s fair to say, some supplements available up aren’t what you would call the healthiest fat burners around.
One dubious ingredient would be bitter orange simply because the active ingredient synephrine is very similar to that of the banned substance ephedrine.1 2
Another ingredient that has been put in fat burning supplements is 1,3-dimethylamylamin (DMAA 1,3)
Which can be harmful to your health.
Caffeine wouldn’t be top of my list either, and it’s a proven fat burner. 3
Truth is.
Many fat burners side effects are often brought on because they contain very high levels of caffeine. Here are a few examples of what you can expect with the not so safe fat burners:
- Feeling wired
- Shakes
- Sleep distruption
- Headaches
- Digestive issues
- High blood pressure
- Rapid heart rate
- Dehydration/fluid loss from the diuretic effects
Listen: Fat burners work really well and have no side effects when they have no stimulants
So, you’re looking for a fat burner supplement with no side effects, make sure it doesn’t have stimulants or synephrine.
Fat burners work when they’re safe.
If you’re looking for a safe diet pill that has zero side effects but works, then your best bet is to choose a quality product that’s stimulant free and doesn’t use synephrine (bitter orange) either.
Our #1 choice for men is: Fat Burner Stim-Free by Transparent Labs.
Our #1 choice for women is: LeanBean, the female fat burner.