Ryse Supplements Review – Do Joe Swoll’s Supplements Really Work?

Written by Gudmundur Gudmundsson

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Fact Checked

This Ryse Supplements review will expose the truth behind this company and their supplements. Yeah, they’re making a lot of noise, but are they everything they seem?

Even Conor McGregor is sponsored by this supplement brand now!

Here’s the truth:

Currently the sports nutrition industry is worth $25 billion and expected to rise to $45 billion by 2022.1

Phenomenal, huh?

With these crazy figures, it’s no surprise that more and more new companies are entering the industry to get a slice of this serious action.

And therein lies the problem.

With so many manufacturers claiming to have the most powerful products, deliver the fastest results and the most potent ingredients – it’s tough to know which ones to believe.

You know what I mean, right?

What’s more, these aren’t the old guard.

Gone are the days when you could name all the major players in the supplement market.

The newcomers come with all the hype and gloss of social media.

Previously, brands took years to become widely known.

Now with a bit of savvy marketing and massive interactive online presence, they are on everyone lips in a matter of months.

So, get this:

In this Ryse Supplements review I will dive into the detail behind this new company. I’ll look at the founders and marketeers behind it, and examine whether the damn products are worth your dollars.

Let’s get down to it!

Table of contents

Who Are Ryse Supplements?

ryse supplement review logo

This company was founded back in 2017 by Nicholas Stella, a guy with a serious background in marketing.

To be fair, he has had some sports experience –Stella was a coach for a wrestling team back in 2013, but since then his resume reads as a marketing and e-commerce guru.

Listen up:

Ryse Supplements isn’t his first venture into the sports market. Stella proudly states on his LinkedIn site that he built up a firm from scratch (FitLife LLC) to $4 million revenue, gained 1 million social media followers and then ‘successfully exited the company’.2

That’s usually a euphemism for getting some dollar.

On to current matters:

Ryse Supplements has been around since just 2017, with Nicholas Stella being the CEO.

Based in the US, this company retails both online and through physical 3rd party outlets a variety of supplements, clothing and gym products.

But, if they have got one thing right, it’s this:

They’ve got the right man fronting the product.

Let me give you some numbers:

Ryse Supplements following is, well, average. About 17k on Instagram and around the same on Facebook. But their poster boy, and according to the website, Chief Brand Officer Joey Swoll, has 2 million followers.

He is that important that in publicity images, it’s him who sits at the head of the table, not the CEO!

Who Is Joey Swoll?

ryse supplements review joey

I don’t want to assume in this Ryse Supplements review that you know everything about other guys in the game!

So, here’s a brief overview of the ‘face’ of Ryse Supplements.

Joey Sergo ‘Swoll’ is a bodybuilder who was previously involved in the well-known Shredz brand.

Apparently, after being bullied at school, he made his way to the gym and thus began his physique enhancing regime.

Since that time, it appears that he has made a living working for supplement companies, writing, providing fitness advice and modelling.

But here’s the key:

His social media following makes him very valuable.

This guy claims he has gained his physique of 50” chest and 30” waist completely naturally (or natty as we say).

If that’s true, he is using some serious products!

And, as he declares he uses the Ryse Supplements to achieve his jacked body, let’s take a look at them!

Conor McGregor sponsorship

In the buildup for major sporting events it is normal for the athletes to get additional short term sponsorship deals.

For example during the McGregor vs. Mayweather build-up, Conor was always pushing a teeth whitening brand. Somewhat strange for a hardcore fighter to promote a beauty product, but hey, brotha’s gotta get paid! I respect that.

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A post shared by Joey Swoll (@joeyswoll) on

In the build up for the McGregor vs Khabib fight it seems that Ryse Supps is the “random” brand that Conor McGregor is sponsored by.

conor mcgregor ryse supps

Why do companies do this?

Because you’re a sheep and you just do and buy whatever the celebrities tell you to do.

They trust that you don’t do your own research.

But since you landed on this page it means that you’re probably not one of those people.

What Are the Ryse Supplements Products?

To give a fair overview in this Ryse Supplements review, I will look at three of their leading products.

Ryse Pre-Workout

ryse supplements review pre

Our rating : ★★★★☆

Want to discover the best pre workout supplements on the market? Visit our ultimate guide to the top 3 pre workouts.

I’m going to kick off with a Ryse Pre Workout review as it’s arguably their most popular product and the one most talked about online.

This supplement comes in powder tub format containing 20 servings. It’s mixed with water and comes in two flavors – watermelon and lemonade.

Here’s my issue:

With just 20 doses, if you’re working out like a monster, you’re going to be reordering pretty swiftly!

Ryse Pre Workout claim that its supplement will:

  • Increase endurance
  • Support long term muscle retention
  • Boost energy levels
  • Enhance performance
  • Provide massive pumps

What Are the Ryse Pre Workout Ingredients?

ryse supplements review ingredients

The all-important energy boost is provided by 275 mg of caffeine, and it’s good to see that the unwelcome ‘jittery’ effect is counteracted by the inclusion of taurine.4 5

But it’s not all about energy!

You can have as much get-up-and-go as you want, but when the muscles say ‘No!’, that’s the end of your workout.

That’s why it’s nice to see the inclusion of beta-alanine which has been shown in studies to impair the build up of lactic acid and therefore reduce muscle fatigue. 6

That’s not all:

The vasodilators l-arginine and citrulline malate are also included. Trials have proven these ingredients to increase endurance and relieve muscle soreness. 7 8

And as a final kick:

The amino tyrosine for clear focus and betaine for strength!

Ryse Pre Workout Bottom Line

Credit where it is due in this Ryse up Pre Workout review, this is a really nice pre workout supplement.

Does Ryse Pre Workout Work?

It contains all the potent energy boosters, muscle protectors and endurance providers I want to see in a supplement. I would say this is an effective product.

But there are some downers:

Some of the ingredients may be slightly underdosed – they are not pushing any limits here.

And the tub contains too few servings for my liking – it looks as if you will need to buy in bulk to ensure you always have a supply!

How Much Does Ryse Pre Workout Cost?

One tub (20 servings) costs $39.99.

Ryse Test Boost

ryse supplements review test

Our rating : ★★☆☆☆

One of the safest ways to boost testosterone is to use a testosterone booster Visit our ultimate guide to the top 5 testosterone boosters.

OK, no surprises for guessing what this supplement does!

Testosterone boosters have always been a favorite supplement of mine. That’s because if you choose the right product, they can have phenomenal effects both in and out of the gym.

They are the best all-rounder in my opinion. Test Boost should be Ryse Supplements bodybuilding flagship product.

Ryse Test Boost comes in capsule form, with a dosage of four per day.

The promises made by this supplement are that it will:

  • Increase testosterone levels
  • Enhance libido
  • Lead to fat loss
  • Improve muscle growth
  • Raise endurance
  • Improve mood

Let’s face facts:

All the above claims are proven results of increasing T-levels. But does it have the ingredients to actually do it?

What Are the Ryse Test Boost Ingredients?

I always love dissecting ingredients, OK I’m a nerdy bodybuilder, but I just find it damn interesting.

And this Ryse Supplements review is no different.

Let’s start off with some good news:

Ryse Test Boost has some phenomenal and scientifically proven T-boosters:

  • Magnesium – raises T-levels at rest and during exercise 9
  • Zinc – improves bone strength and boosts testosterone 10
  • Boron – another awesome booster, with some studies showing an increase of up to 28% 11

These are the big guys that I would expect to see in a genuine T-boosting supplement.

Our #1 recommendation for a testosterone booster is TestoGen. Click here to read our TestoGen Review

But they’ve let themselves down!

First, let me tell you this:

They’ve missed some other great proven ingredients: d-aspartic acid, fenugreek and nettle – all of which have been shown to increase testosterone.

Some of the best T-boosters include these, together with the ingredients we have already seen in Ryse Test Boost.

It could pack much more power.

Secondly, they have some lesser ingredients in the formula:

  • Ashwagandha – shown to increase testosterone but only in guys with unhealthy balls 12
  • Tribulus – it can definitely improve testosterone in animals, but human results are mixed 13

ryse supplements review muscle

Ryse Test Boost Bottom Line

I need to be totally honest in this Ryse Supplements review.

Ryse Test Boost is average.

It does contain some of the best T-boosting ingredients known, but then omits others in favor of ones with little scientific credence.

There is some credit in that they have also included bioperine as an absorption enhance, but this formula could have been so much better.

So does Ryse Test Boost Work?

It may have some effect, but there are much more powerful products available elsewhere.

How Much Does Ryse Test Boost Cost?

One bottle (120 capsules- one month’s supply) costs $56.00.

Ryse Fat Burner

ryse supplements review burner

Our rating : ★★☆☆☆

Want to see fat burners that actually work? Visit our ultimate guide to fat burners here.

This is the final product I am going to look at in this Ryse Supplements review.

Ryse Fat Burner claims that it works as a time release supplement – meaning that it will work both in the short and long term to burn fat.

Let’s face it:

Fat burners are great ingredients. During cutting we want an easy, painless way to drop the pounds while retaining lean muscle mass.

Ryse Fat Burner states that it will:

  • Provide sustained energy
  • Burn fat through thermogenics
  • Improve focus
  • Increase mood

The supplement comes in capsule form, with a dosage of one capsule per day.

ryse supplements review lean

What Are the Ryse Fat Burner Ingredients?

The final ingredients analysis in this Ryse Supplements review.

And, it’s interesting!

Like the other supplements examined in this Ryse Supplements review, it starts off well with some really nice ingredients:

  • Vitamins B6 and B12 – can block carbs and convert blood sugar to energy, not fat
  • Caffeine – an amazing fat burner. It raises energy, increases BMR to shed fat and suppresses the appetite 14
  • Red Pepper  – suppresses appetite and burns fat through thermogenics

What’s more, the guys behind Ryse Fat Burner have taken mental state into consideration too. If you are not feeling energized or positive, losing fat and hitting the gym can be forgotten about.

So, it’s good to see the inclusion of citicoline and theacrine – both scientifically proven mood boosters. 15 16

Here’s where I find fault:

There’s simply not enough fat burning power behind this supplement! I want to see more proven weight loss ingredients (garcinia cambogia, turmeric or raspberry ketones) and appetite suppressant (glucomannan).

Our #1 recommendation for a fat burner is Instant Knockout. Click here to read our Instant knockout review

Ryse Fat Burner Bottom Line

Like the Test Boost we looked at earlier in this Ryse Supplements review, it has some really powerful and proven ingredients, but then misses out on becoming a real player.

There appears to be no fillers in this supplement, which is good, but it does place heavy emphasis on caffeine as the main fat burning ingredients.

So does Ryse Fat Burner Work?

It may have a limited effect to boost energy, improve mood and burn some fat. But it will be small.

There are much more potent supplements on the market packed full of fat burners and appetite suppressants.

How Much Does Ryse Fat Burner Cost?

One bottle (30 capsules – one month’s supply) costs $47.99.

Ryse Supplements Review Conclusion

Our #1 recommended supplement brand at the moment is: Battle Ready Fuel – Read my review now.

Let me be straight.

I started this Ryse Supplements review by saying I wanted to see if this newcomer was all about the marketing or a genuine player.

Truth is, it’s a little bit of both.

Look, they have got their online and social media presence sorted. It’s a good looking brand with a variety of supplements.

And, it’s not a scam.

To be perfectly honest, the Ryse Pre Workout is not only the best product in this Ryse Supplements review, it could be one of the best pre workouts on the market.

It does lack a little in dosage to push it right to the top of the pile – but it is still a really nice supplement.

As for the Ryse Fat Burner and Test Boost, they do contain scientifically proven ingredients. They just do not contain enough to be up there with the best.

Listen up:

Ryse Supplements manufacture products that do not hide ingredients in a prop blend. They are open about their formulas and do not make outlandish claims.

They will cause you no harm, and may have some positive effects.

But being fairly expensive supplements, there are much better products for a cheaper price.

ryse supplements review bell

Ryse Supplements Review FAQ

“Where Can I Buy Ryse Supplements?”

Ryse products are available online from their official website.

“What Are Ryse Test Boost Side Effects?”

All Ryse Supplements ingredients are 100% natural. They are unlikely to cause any adverse health effects.

“Is There a Ryse Supplements Discount Code?”

There does not seem a facility on the official website to enter a discount code.

“Does Ryse Pre Workout Work?”

Looking at the ingredients and researching the Ryse supps reviews, it appears this is a product which can yield results.

Who Is the Ryse Supplements Owner?”

The CEO of Ryse Up Supplements is Nicholas Stella.


  1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/450168/global-sports-nutrition-market/
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-stella/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1356551
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24615238
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20479615
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20386132
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1873701/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20352370
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8875519
  10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2010.10.001
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3863556/
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18068966
  13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23671022
  14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26610558
  15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10102764

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3 thoughts on “Ryse Supplements Review – Do Joe Swoll’s Supplements Really Work?”

  1. Hi I’m Amanda I’m not trying to be rude but someone always says your first one free or free sample but that is not truth it’s like you have to buy 2 and then they say there gonna send

    • Hey Amanda,

      Thanks for sharing your experience with Ryse Supplements.

      I’m sure other readers will benefit from your review.

  2. Ryse protein also contains Natural and Artificial Flavor (could be anything), Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium. Some Pre-workout flavors contain Red 40 as well as Acesulfame potassium and a whopping 380mg of caffeine which for High school young bodies is a lot. The marketing is quite clever and it is capturing young audiences but it’s ingredients are disappointing for growing bodies.


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