Mike O’Hearn Deadlifts 485 lbs for 10 reps with perfect form

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Mike O’Hearn is a natural fitness superstar who has accomplished amazing things in his career as a competitive bodybuilder and fitness influencer.

As a competitive bodybuilder, Mike had won the Mr. Universe four times when he competed in the natural division.

On top of that, Mike has won Mr. California, Mr. Usa, Mr. American, and Mr. International competitions.

Mike has a background in powerlifting and is a two-time powerlifting champion.

Mike is the founder of the power-bodybuilding workout style, which he uses to improve his physique and longevity in training.

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Even though Mike is now 52-years of age, he is still training insanely hard and doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

Mike is also a successful fitness model featured on hundreds of fitness magazine covers.

Mike has become famous in the fitness scene with his accomplishments and fantastic physique and has amassed almost 3. Million of followers on his Instagram page.

Mike also sells workout programs, clothing, and supplements.

Mike has achieved this success naturally, meaning he is a lifetime natural bodybuilder that has never used steroids.

The proof is in the pudding; Mike still has a complete set of hair, he doesn’t fluctuate much in his weight, he has stayed consistent for decades, and he seems to be very healthy.

Mike O’Hearn Deadlifts 485-lbs for 10 reps

Mike O’Hearn deadlifts 485 for ten reps, which is impressive, but what’s more impressive is the technique and form Mike uses.

You can see that Mike is an expert lifter and uses perfect form to lift the weight.

Mike O’Hearn can deadlift a lot more than that, but he demonstrates his impeccable technique in the deadlift.

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