Mike O’Hearn and Lee Priest Discuss If you need Steroids to build muscle

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Mike O’Hearn is one of the most experienced lifters on the planet; he started training as a teenager and has been training for over 40-years.

Mike has competed in bodybuilding and holds 4 Mr. Universe titles in the natural division.

Lee Priest is a famous bodybuilder that used to compete at the highest level in bodybuilding.

Lee Priest competed a few times in the most prestigious bodybuilding competition in the world, Mr. Olympia, where he managed to get top 6 twice in his career.

As a competitive bodybuilder, Lee competed over 50-times in his career.

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Lee Priest and Mike O’Hearns are icons in fitness and bodybuilding; they are two of the most knowledgeable guys around when it comes to dieting and training.

Lee Priest is currently transforming his body and potentially making a comeback to bodybuilding. We have already seen the before pictures of Lee Priest. Even though he says he hasn’t been that dedicated to his training and diet, he still looks good.

Now Lee has changed his diet completely and is eating better foods and training hard to improve his physique.

Mike and Lee had a fascinating discussion on steroids and if you can go without them to build an impressive physique.

Both Lee Priest and Mike O’Hearn agree that you don’t need steroids to build an incredible physique; Lee Prest didn’t use steroids until he was around 20-years old and earned his pro card as a natural.

Lee was impressive when he was natural, and Mike is a lifetime natural, and he is one of the biggest dudes in the fitness scene.

Watch the video below where Lee and Mike discuss if you need steroids for strength and size.

Mike O’Hearn and Lee Priest Discuss if you need steroids to build muscle and strength (video)

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