Lipo6 Black Hers did not make it to the top list of fat burners: See list of top fat burners here
- Contains some proven ingredients
- No proprietary blend
- Good for energy
- Missing many proven fat burning ingredients
- May cause side effects due to high caffeine content
A lot of people are talking about this product, so there’s never a better time than now for a Lipo-6 Black Hers review!
Before we get down to the incredible truth behind this supplement, let me stick this out there:
Losing weight is tough. We hit the exercise much harder than we have ever done before and reduce the food intake, to try and get those pounds to drop.
It can leave us feeling tired and moody.
But that’s just the way it is. You agree, right?
Well it doesn’t have to be like that!
Women have discovered that proven and effective fat burners make losing weight simple!
The pounds literally drop off, energy is increased and girls are being left with gorgeous and awesome beach bodies!
However, listen up:
All fat burners are not this phenomenal.
Many are underdosed, have ineffective ingredients or are simply placebos.
The only thing you will lose is your cash!
Here’s the deal:
In this Lipo-6 Black Hers review I will expose all the facts behind this alleged weight loss pill. You’ll discover whether this one is the answer to your prayers, or something you should totally avoid.
Ready? Let’s get down to business!
Warning! Dear reader: Click here to see why this fat burner did NOT make it to the list of Top 5 Fat Burners for women.
Quick Summary of This Lipo-6 Black Hers Review
Let me start this Lipo-6 Black Hers review with a little bit of detail.
Lipo-6 Black Hers is made by the company Nutrex Research. These guys, based in Florida, have been around since 2002. They make a number of supplements for the weight loss and bodybuilding market.
Some of their products have amazing reviews, others are disappointing.
There’s more:
Lipo-6 Black Hers is designed specifically for the female body. Consisting of purely natural ingredients and no animal extracts, this supplement claims it comes with no adverse health issues.
Just be careful:
Do not confuse this product with Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate. That is a different pill not reviewed here.
The official website claims that taking Lipo-6 Hers will:
Encourage rapid weight loss
Boost mental alertness
Promote high energy levels
And that’s what we all want, right?
Soon we will discover, in this Lipo-6 Black Hers review, whether it’s one of the best fat burners for women.
Lipo-6 Black Hers Review – Does It Work?
If I can stress one thing in this Lipo-6 Black Hers review, it’s this:
As I already mentioned in this Lipo-6 Black Hers review, some of the products on the market are useless and will produce no results at all.
But before we get down to the workings behind this weight loss supplement, let’s check that it’s right for you!
Lipo-6 Black Hers Review – Who Is It For?
As with any diet pill, it is important that you check if it’s right for you before you pull out that credit card and get ordering!
Here’s the truth:
Fat burners are not for everyone.
Lipo-6 Black Hers is specifically for women who:
- Are active throughout the day but still need a boost
- Require a serious kick to their weight loss programme
- Demand more energy to power through exercise
- Suffer from mental fog and want to increase their alertness
- Are over 18 years of age
- Find the demands of losing weight and remaining active are tough
- Are already watching their diet and doing some exercise
The last point is important.
Fat burners in general are phenomenal products which can take weight loss through the roof.
But you still need to eat sensibly and remain active!
There’s no female fat burner in the world that will shed the pounds without you putting the effort in too. Trust me on that!
Anyways, let’s get down to the serious stuff and see how this fat burner claims to work.
Lipo-6 Black Hers Review – How Does It Work?
In researching for this Lipo-6 Black Hers review, it appears that this supplement works in 3 main ways for women looking to lose weight:
Suppresses the Appetite
It’s obvious that eating healthily and monitoring food volume intake is essential to losing weight.
But sometimes the cravings can get too much and the whole diet is undone by grabbing something sweet from the fridge!
It can put you back to square one.
Some of the ingredients in Lipo-6 are designed to take away these cravings, and thus remove the temptation to snack!
Boosts Energy
If you are on a calorie controlled diet, or just avoiding the treats, it can leave you feeling down and lethargic.
Lipo-6 Black Hers claims to contain ingredients which will rocket those energy levels.
This has the benefit of:
Improving mood – making you more likely to stick to your weight loss regime
Increasing desire to exercise and hit the gym
Increases Metabolic Rate
Lipo-6 Black Hers is designed to raise the internal temperature of the body (thermogenics).
In doing so, the metabolic rate is increased. Basically, your body goes from just ticking over to being in overdrive!
This increase requires fuel, which it finds it fat stores!
Rev up metabolism = increase calorie burn = fat is lost!
Lipo-6 Black Hers Review of the Ingredients
Want to see fat burners that actually work? Visit our ultimate guide to fat burners here.
Now down to the real meat in this Lipo-6 Black Hers review!
But first let me say this:
Lipo-6 Hers suggest that you take 3 capsules in the morning and a further 3 in the afternoon. That’s one hell of a lot of tablets to take in just one day!
It’s even more concerning when you see what they contain!
Anyway, let’s see if Lipo-6 Black Hers has the power to be effective:
1. Caffeine Anhydrous
Let me start off with a positive.
Caffeine is a great ingredient to have in a weight loss supplement as it is proven to:
- Inhibit the appetite 1
- Boost energy levels 2
- Increase mental alertness 3
- Supercharge BMR through thermogenics 4
Those are some great qualities.
But here’s the downer.
For this supplement, I believe it’s way overdosed.
Let me explain:
1. Caffeine Anhydrous
A potent form of caffeine. It has all the extraneous elements and water removed, basically leaving pure, strong caffeine.
Usually in a female weight supplement, caffeine is introduced in a milder form, through green tea or caffeine which hasn’t been altered.
This volume of this stimulant could cause some rather unpleasant side effects.
2. Vitamin B12
This is a cool ingredient and great to see in Lipo-6 Black Hers.
Apart from the normal health functions of encouraging cell growth, promoting red blood cell production and healthy bone marrow, it can also boost weight loss!
This awesome vitamin reduces lethargy and assists in converting carbohydrates into energy!
You will be burning off those carbs and not storing them as fat!
3. Yohimbine
There are some claims that Yohimbine has a thermogenic effect and can promote weight loss.
However, this evidence is limited.
It has been proven as an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.5
But, I’m guessing you’re not suffering from that!
4. Citrus Aurantium
Also known as bitter orange, I have mixed feelings about this one.
On the plus side it’s a proven thermogenic. It raises the internal temperature, thus boosting the metabolism and burning fat. It can also act as an appetite suppressant.6
Here’s my concern.
Citrus aurantium has also been shown to be a cardiovascular stimulant and is not recommended for use by people who have high blood pressure or heart issues.7
With the caffeine anhydrous already pushing the limit on stimulants, I don’t believe this formulation should contain any more.
5. Folic Acid
A confusing ingredient.
It’s excellent for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.8
However, it has no effect on weight loss. In fact, some studies indicate that it may actually promote fat gain.9
Other ingredients: Vitamin D, Calcium, Bacognize, Vinpocetine, Zingerone
Lipo-6 Black Hers Ingredients Breakdown
So, let me say this.
There are 10 ingredients in Lipo-6 Hers. I’ve seen more in some of the better supplements, but 10 is a reasonable amount.
But here’s the key:
The most powerful and scientifically proven fat burners are not included. That’s what separates the real potent weight loss supplements from the average.
I’m talking about serious fat burners such as:
- Glucomannan – the best appetite suppressant
- Green tea – for gentle energy kicks through caffeine
- Turmeric and cayenne – major metabolic boosters
- Raspberry ketones – an actual fat destroyer
- Garcinia cambogia – fat inhibitor and appetite suppressant
These are the ingredients you should be looking for in a fat loss pill to lose the fat fast!
Lipo-6 Black Hers – What Do the Lipo-6 Black Hers Reviews Say?
This really is the serious test in this Lipo-6 Black Hers review.
The ingredients are unimpressive, but maybe the scientifically unproven ones do actually work?
I was unable to find any genuine Lipo 6 Black Hers before and after pictures, so instead I searched testimonials.
This is what customers have been saying:
“very focused and alert feeling” – Nut
“It gave me the perfect amount of energy and I was always in a good mood.” – Kay
“without this product I lost weight better” – laly
“three weeks into using the product with diet and exercise I still have not lost any weight. Not even a pound” – AB
“very bad side effects” – VB
“I could not get past the nausea this caused. I’ve taken almost the whole bottle and it makes me feel sick every time” – tco
“I’ve never even made it past two pills at a time because it makes me very jittery.” – Anon
I think that these reviews say it all.
(Please note these testimonials are purely for the product in this review. They are not Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate reviews.)
Lipo-6 Black Hers Review – Does It Work?
Our #1 recommendation is LeanBean. Click here to read our LeanBean Review
The first thing I will say is this:
Let me explain:
For me, this product falls down in many areas.
To begin with, it has too few scientifically proven fat busters in the formulation to be effective. Many of the ingredients appear to be there just to fill up the product – I mean, honestly, folic acid?
But I have bigger issues.
I am quite concerned by the stimulants in this product. The caffeine anhydrous ingredient is simply too powerful. Look at the customer testimonials and you will see what I mean.
What’s more, they added yet another stimulant with citrus aurantium.
Other products provide much gentler stimulants, such as cayenne or green tea, and lack the nasty side effects.
And finally, the customer reviews are not very encouraging at all.
The bottom line?
I believe energy will increase through the stimulants, but that’s it. I doubt it will make any difference to your weight loss regime or get rid of cellulite.
My advice is to choose a proven fat burner which includes the awesome ingredients I indicated earlier. Then you will be seriously on the road to looking awesome!
Lipo-6 Black Hers Review FAQ
“Lipo-6 Black Hers Side Effects?”
There are quite a few customer testimonials that have reported similar side effects, including:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Sickness
- Interrupted sleep
- Feeling nervous and agitated
- The ‘jitters’
I assume that most of these are due to the powerful stimulant activity of this weight loss product.
The Lipo 6 Black Hers reviews side effects should be cause for a little concern.
“Where to Buy Lipo-6 Black Hers?”
This supplement is available from the official Nutrex website, Amazon, eBay, SameDay supplements and the Lipo-6 Black Hers GNC page.
“How Do I Take Lipo-6 Black Hers?”
The Lipo 6 Black Hers dosage directions indicate that you should take 3 capsules in the morning and a further 3 capsules in the afternoon.
Never take more than 6 capsules in a 24hr period.
“What’s Better Than Lipo-6 Black Hers?”
Even if you follow the Lipo 6 Black Hers directions to the letter, this supplement is definitely not one of the best workout supplements for women and will not work as a carb blocker.
The best fat burner on the market today is Leanbean. This awesome weight loss pill is packed full of scientifically backed ingredients which will supercharge weight loss.
While it contains stimulants, they are all chosen with the female body in mind, unlike the extremely potent ones in Lipo-6 Black Hers.