Rising star: Kris J IFBB Bikini Athlete talks with TheGymLifestyle.com

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Kris J IFBB Bikini Athlete from Iceland

Quick stats:

Age: 26 years old
Location: Cardiff, Wales
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 59 kg

kris j ifbb bikini

How did you get started with bodybuilding and training?

I have always had interest of sports. I used to play football (soccer) for 8 years. When I was 15 years old I started to go to the gym and I loved it right away.

I remember that I decided I wanted to become a personal trainer and since then I have been obsessed with this sport and industry.

kris j ifbb bikini

Where does your motivation come from?

I love doing my workout, that’s just a part of my life now, it makes me feel good.

The thing I like most about it is to see my body change and I can see that all the hard work and effort I have put in is paying off.  Following other people from the fitness industry gives me motivation as well, I’m always learning new things that helps me grow as a fitness athlete and being better at my job as a personal trainer as well.

kris j ifbb bikini

What is your training routine like?

Full routine:

Monday – Shoulders:

  • Sitting Arnold Press 4 x 10-12 1 min rest between
  • Dumbbell incline front raises FST 7 x 20 (10 each hand) 30 sec rest between
  • Wide grip upright rows 3 x 15 1 min rest between
  • Leaning lateral raises 4 x 12-15 1 min rest between
  • High cable pull rope rows (to the forehead) 1 min rest between

Tuesday – Legs:

  • Abductor machine (lean forward) 5 x 20-30. 1 min rest between
  • Curtsey Lunges 4 x 30. 1 min rest between
  • Lying leg curls with dumbbell 4 x 10-12 super setting with sitting leg curl 4 x 20-30. 1 min rest between
  • Stiff legged with handles in a machine 4 x 10-12. 1 min rest between
  • Leg extension 4 x 10-12. 1 min rest between
  • Smith machine squat 4 x 8-12 super setting with lying leg press in smith machine 4 x 20-30. 1 min rest between

Wednesday – Back:

  • Pull down wide grip 4 x 10-12 super setting with pull down under hand grip 4 x 10-12. 1 min rest between
  • Seated rows Drop set 4 x 15 reps per drop set. 1 min rest between
  • Pull over wide grip FST 4 x 12-15. 30 sec rest between
  • Hyper extension 4 x 20-30

Thursday – Glutes:

  • Warm Up – Walking Lunges 2x, Squat 1x and repeat.. 4 x 40 steps – no rest
  • Weighted glute bridges (20 kg, 15 kg, 10kg) 4 x 10-20. 1 min rest between
  • Curtsey lunges 4 x 30. 1 min rest between
  • Machine kick backs 5 x 8-10 super setting single leg hyper machine raises 5 x 12-15. 1 min rest between
  • Smith machine single leg squat 4 x 10-15.

Friday – Shoulders:

  • Sitting Arnold Press 4 x 10-12 1 min rest between
  • Dumbbell incline front raises FST 7 x 20 (10 each hand) 30 sek rest between
  • Wide grip upright rows 3 x 15 1 min rest between
  • Leaning lateral raises 4 x 12-15 1 min rest between
  • High cable pull rope rows (to the forehead) 1 min rest between

Saturday – Total body workout:

  • Jump squats on a BOSU ball  6 x 30.
  • Ab crunches with rope in a machine 4 x 20
  • Skipping rope as fast as I can for 1 min – high knees
  • Lying hip raises 4 x 20
  • Walk into plank 1 push up and then walk back and stand up straight 4 x15
  • Box in a pad fast 20x straight punches, 20 x hooks and then 1 burpee 4 x 10.

No rest between exercises. Finish the circle, rest for 1 min and then repeat 6x.

Sunday – Rest day.

Kris J IFBB Bikini

What would you eat on a typical day?

  • Breakfast: eggwhites with oatmeal
  • Meal 2 : Boozt – 1 scoop whey protein, frozen fruits (usually mango and pineapple) and water . Almonds
  • Lunch: Turkey breast with sweet potatoes and asparagus
  • Meal 4: Chicken breast, broccoli and 1 tsp peanut butter
  • Dinner: Salmon / Fish /Chicken and vegetable

Kris J IFBB Bikini

Favorite healthy recipe?

I like to have everything simple and I’m not a very good baker so here is something that I like to do.

I like making chicken with pesto and feta cheese.I cut the chicken in half put 1 tsp of pesto in the middle and a little bit of feta cheese, close it and put it in my George Foreman grill. With that I like to have some salad or sweet potatoes.

Kris J Ifbb Bikini


I use supplements from QNT. I have used them since I started in this industry.

Products that I use: Glutamin, Whey protein with chocolate or cookies and cream, NOO-elite – preworkout, Riptek burning tablets, BCAA, All my vitamins are also from QNT except from vitamin D, mega 100, super minrals, CLA, Omega 3, C-vitamin, Calcium.

kris j ifbb bikini

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

  1. Squat with side raises
  2. Curtsey lunges
  3. Burpees with bar

First of all because I love these exercises and also because they target all the body parts I think is necessary. My favorite body parts are glutes and shoulders so its good for them and also works on your abs and just strength in your total body. 

Kris J ifbb bikini

Is there anyone in the fitness industry you look up to?

I look up to so many people in this industry. The are many gorgeous women that work really hard to reach their goals and are great role models.  Chady Dunmore, Amanda Latona and Nathalia Melo are the women I look up to.

kris j ifbb bikini

Three tips you’d give to someone who’s trying to reach their goal physique?

  1. Make a decision that this is a lifestyle not a short term solution!
  2. Find a trainer that can help you make a plan that suits you!
  3. Believe in yourself! Everything is possible if you have the willpower to do it!

Kris J IFBB bikini

Favorite Quote?

-Success is a journey not a destination

-Believe that anything is possible  

Facebook: /KrisJFitness
Twitter: krisj_fitness
Instagram: krisj_fitness
Website: www.krisj.is – coming soon

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