Kai Greene’s Eye-Opening Technique To Train Arms and Grow them faster

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Kai Greene is one of the best bodybuilders in the world and he has proved it on stage as he has won the Arnold Classic three times and he also has been runner-up in the Mr Olympia 3 times as well.

Kai has retired from competitive bodybuilding but he is still putting in the work to become a better bodybuilder. Maby one day we will see him on stage again.

A few years ago Kai Greene recorded a video were he got an amateur bodybuilder who had decent muscle size to train with him.

They trained arms together and Kai Greene revealed the technique he uses to really grow his arms fast.

What is interesting about Kai’s approach is that he isn’t big weights when he is training arms, he uses a perfect technique to stimulate the muscles for growth.

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The amateur bodybuilder who is training with Kai definitely has big arms, and has been training for years, but still Kai has to correct him on almost every single set because he isn’t using the perfect technique.

The technique Kai is pretty straightforward but you can’t be ego lifting with this method.

When Kai is training arms he uses light weights and keeps his focuses on keeping his form perfect in each rep.

What is also quite strange about Kai’s arm workout is that he starts with training forearms which most lifters usually leave till the end of the session.

But does Kai approach work for the natural every day lifter?

Well, I can proudly say that I have been utilizing these techniques since I first saw the video and my arms started growing since doing so.

Kai Greene Arm Workout

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