Have you ever sat around and wondered how much does it cost to actually be a real life batman? Well, someone at MoneySupermarket has and decided to actually do the math.
The infographic looks at how much it would cost to run Batman’s empire and lets just say it’s not easy on the wallet.
In fact, Batman’s collection of vehicles alone cost about $80 million. His Tumbler/Batmobile alone has a price tag of $18 million due to its jet engine, front-mounted machine guns, remote-control system and GPS technology.
Meanwhile, it would cost about $37,000 each year to run Wayne Manor and the Bat Cave. His weapons cost about $100,000 — from a $50,000 TLPS Grappling Hook Launcher to a $15,000 thermal camera and a $5,000 night-vision monocular. Three Batarang Throwing Stars cost about $1,000.
There’s not many of us that could afford this!
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