How Can Fat Intake Cause Muscle Growth?

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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While most people tend to associate protein with muscle growth given that it contains amino acids, fat intake can also help speed up the process.

But how can fat intake cause muscle growth?

While the name definitely doesn’t sound appealing and causes many people to think that it will make them fat, the nutrient dietary fat actually helps keep you lean when on a bulk, believe it or not.

Each gram of dietary fat contains nine calories – that’s more than double the 4 calories found in protein and carbohydrates.

That means that dietary fat can be a great source of energy for exercise as it contains plenty of calories.

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It also helps your body absorb vitamins and encourages your body to grow and develop properly.

Depending on your genetic profile, aim for 20-40 percent of your daily calories to come from dietary fat.

How Can Fat Intake Cause Muscle Growth?

Dietary Fat and Hormones

One of the huge benefits of dietary fat is that it has been shown to boost testosterone levels.

Saturated fat in particular, which is generally found in animal products and cheese, increases testosterone production when combined with resistance training.

As a result, a simple switch in your diet towards more saturated fat can yield increase strength and muscle gains.

Next time you pick up ground beef at the grocery store, don’t necessarily opt for the extra lean.

You should also aim to get some of your fats from Omega-3 fatty acids.

These are typically found in fish, olive oil, nuts and eggs.

Just like saturated fat, this type of fat encourages muscle gain and fat loss as well as a wide variety of nutritional benefits.

Nuts in particular are very easy to bring along for a snack, making them a popular choice for many bodybuilders looking to hit their daily macro goals without having to cook 6 times per day.

Other Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels

One of the reasons testosterone levels get studied so much is because they have a huge impact on our lives.

When testosterone levels are low we tend to carry more fat, lose muscle, feel less energetic, less confidence, etc. In other words, we feel less like real men.

Ask most women what they look for in a man and they will almost say things like “confidence, strong, ambitious.” In other words, all characteristics commonly associated with men that have high testosterone levels.

This is why it is so important to make sure your testosterone levels are as high as they can be.

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Consuming dietary fats, lifting weights and getting plenty of sleep are all ways you can do that.

However, if you really want to get your testosterone production as high as it can be, try taking a natural testosterone booster.

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They use ingredients that are proven to boost testosterone production and combine them in a convenient supplement so you get a great synergistic impact.

Make sure you don’t cheap out on this product – testosterone production is key for being healthy and getting the most out of life.

But now you know why fat can cause muscle growth!

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