Ainsley Rodriguez interview – Stunning Fit Female!

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Ainsley Rodriguez

Ainsley Rodriguez

(Photo credit – Inline Photography) Talked With Bikini Competitor Ainsley Rodriguez.

Quick stats:

Name: Ainsley Rodriguez
Location: Miami, FL
Age: 21
Height: 5’4
Weight: 116

ainsley rodriguez

So what’s your story?

I’ve been active pretty much all my life and used to dance in highschool. I got hooked on the gym when I was about 15 years old and from then on out it has been nearly impossible to stop! The gym is something that began a hobby, slowly turned into habit and now is a full blown part of my lifestyle! I had a HUGE sweet tooth when I first started working out so naturally I was still eating chocolate chip cookies, cake, ice cream and pretty much anything I wanted! As time passed I realized I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted so I began to play with my diet and training routine to see how my body responded. I have experimented with nearly every diet imaginable from no dairy, to no carbs, to no fat etc and I have FINALLY found a balance and way to live lean year round! It’s not a diet, nor is it temporary …it’s a lifestyle!

What does your current training schedule look like?

  • Monday: Shoulders and Abs
  • Tuesday: Quads and Calves
  • Wednesday: Off (Rest Day)
  • Thursday: Biceps and Triceps
  • Friday: Shoulders (focus on rear delts) and Abs
  • Saturday: Hams and Glutes
  • Sunday: Chest, Back and Calves

ainsley rodriguez

(Photo Credit – Inline Photography)

What is your diet like?

7 meals a day (eating every 2.5-3hrs)
Approximately 5oz protein (chicken, fish, egg whites etc) and 4oz complex carbs (boiled red/sweet potato, quinoa, gluten-free oats) at each meal

Any supplements?

  • Glutamine 4x a day (first thing in the morning, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed)
  • Leucine (post-workout)
  • Fish Oil 3x a day
  • Anavite Multi-vitamin
  • BCAAs
  • Dymatize ISO-100 protein (post-workout protein)
  • Prosupps Karbolic (post-workout carbs to spike insulin)
  • Prosupps Hyde (Pre-workout)
  • Elite XT Casein Protein (before bed)

ainsley rodriguez
(Photo Credit – Inline Photography)

I look up to Jaimie Eason in the fitness industry. She is the perfect epitome of what a fit, healthy and beautiful woman should look like!

Where can I follow you?

Instagram: @HardCoreAinsley
Twitter: @HardCoreAinsley
Would you like to become our next featured fit female or fan? Apply here!

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