Brad Castleberry Incline Bench Press 585 lbs

Written by James C., M.S.(C), PT

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Brad Castleberry is one of the strongest guys in the fitness scene.

He has lifted some heavyweights and continues to do so.

However, not everyone believes Brad, and he is frequently accused of lifting fake weights.

Brad Castleberry Stats

Brad Castleberry is from the U.S.

He is 36-years old, weighs 245- 255 lbs, and his height is 5’10.

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Brad Castleberry = Fake weights?

Brad has been accused many times by recognized individuals in the fitness industry for using fake plates in his videos.

Brad has consistently denied these accusations.

However, if Brad’s lifts are all legitimate, he would be a powerlifting champion in his weight class.

What is interesting about that is that Brad Castleberry has never gone to a powerlifting meet to prove his strength.

Is Brad Castleberry Natural?

In an interview with Generation Iron, Brad explains how he chose to be a natural lifter.

Here’s what he had to say:

This is 22 years of dedicated work every day, and there’s not a lot of people who have worked out 22 straight years. It’s been a gradual increase, see a picture of me when I was 18 years old, I’m just an enlarged version of that body. People think they can take something and blow up with water weight and it’s like look at what I did, I’m all veined out but it goes away.

So Brad Castleberry claims to be a natural lifter.

Brad Castleberry Most Impressive Lifts

Brad Castleberry has some remarkable lifts in his local gym, which he has filmed.

He claims he did not use fake weights when lifting those weights.

This lift includes a 675 lbs bench press (assisted)

He has also recorded himself deadlift 661 lbs

Brad Castleberry 585 lbs Incline Bench Press

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